Cool everyday objects


Infinite revival

Re represents the word "Recycled, Reused", "Reinvention".

Finity represents "Infinity" - unlimited possibility for revival. 

Refinity by Leinné is a product line that imperfections, remnants, past-season and left-over pieces write its own story and have a new life. 

The sustainable and fashionable Refinity by Leinné line is made from old clothing items. Donate your old clothes for us to turn into cool everyday objects like like headband, lunch bag, coffee cup carrier and other endless possibilities.


This set is inspired by the art of origami and its simplicity. Colour and pattern will be a surprise in the colour theme selected.

Origami bandeau

Origami portable cup holder

Origami lunch bag

Round Lantern

Inspired by the shape of traditional East Asian round lantern, this eye-catching set is a true conversation-starter. Colors and patterns will be a surprise in the colour theme selected.

Round Lantern bandeau

Round Lantern cup holder

Round Lantern lunch bag

Canarium Lantern

This set is inspired by a childhood Canarium latern of art director Mimi-Minh. Colour and pattern will be a surprise in the colour theme selected.

Canarium Lantern bandeau

Canarium Lantern cup holder

Canarium Lantern lunch bag

Portable cup holder

Portable cup holder with upcycled fabric and upper border hand-embroidered with raffia. Fabric texture and pattern can be a surprise in the colour theme selected.

Portable cup holder



Who are with us?

They are the pioneers who take part in Leinné Refinity Community and are with us speading the message to raise awareness to the environmental progress. 


Thao Tam is known for her talents and efforts to spread positive messages to the community. Inspired by her joyful spirit and versatile style, we create for Thao Tam Refinity objects with brilliant colors and surprising patterns.

Canarium Lantern bandeau

By Thao Tam

Round Lantern cup holder

By Thao Tam

Round Lantern lunch bag

By Thao Tam


Persistently pursuing the dream and mission associated with the environment, Ms.Helly Tong is one of the green living inspirations to the community. Colors and patterns of this Origami set is mixed from the inspiration of her minimal and sustainable lifestyle.

Origami bandeau

By Helly

Origami cup holder

By Helly

Origami lunch bag

By Helly


Stephanie Nguyen is a businesswoman who inspires us with a love to nurture family happiness. From this inspiration, we creator for her a Refinity set in a feminine and passionate color themes.

Canarium Lantern bandeau

By Stephanie

Round Lantern cup holder

By Stephanie

Round Lantern lunch bag

By Stephanie


Nicky Khanh Ngoc - a fashionista with many followers and a beauty bloggers who awakens the "muses" in every woman with her charming and useful beauty blogs. As a member in #Refinitybyme, she has a Refinity set mixed by elegant color tones.

Canarium Lantern bandeau

By Nicky

Round Lantern cup holder

By Nicky

Round Lantern lunch bag

By Nicky

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