Craftsmanship of Leinné fabric hats

As we introduce more hats from canvas and cotton this season, we would love to take you on a trip to discover how we conceive our fabric hats.

Crafting a fabric hat is an intricate dance between art and science, demanding a unique blend of expertise

Beyond the skilled hands of experienced artisans, the process necessitates a deep understanding of textiles, the visionary input of our design team, creative director and product engineers, and an unwavering spirit of experimentation.

The key of a fabric hat is sensing the fabrics and choosing the right lining to shape the forms, and mixing thickness according to feelings of the crown, the brim when wearing.

Let’s unveil the story behind Leinné fabric hats, an embodiment of the brand's commitment to pushing the boundaries of design while honoring the artistry of hat making.

The Art of Layers

Choosing the right layers for fabric depending on the desired form requires a unique love for hats. And the highest form of love is consideration.

Every aspect of wearing a hat is considered

A good hat is a balance between the thickness of the crown and brim. Their thickness should not be the same. 

Choosing the right layers to support the thickness of different parts of a hat is a blend of expertise, years of experience, experimentation and also a sense of touch.

It’s an art as much as a science, where our product engineer must possess a deep understanding of how fabrics will react and interact when layered and shaped.

The secret to our hats' enduring shape and luxurious feel lies in the art of lining selection. We manipulate the fabric, choosing the right supporting layers to coax it into desired forms, creating a framework that provides structure without sacrificing the inherent softness of the material.

Sense of touch

How the right lining is found

Achieving a balance between form and softness is a delicate art. Careful consideration is given to the placement and type of interfacing, ensuring that the hat maintains its structure while allowing the fabric to breathe.

The right lining is found only through a sense of touch and experimentation.

The perfect crown fabric should always be thin enough for the head to breathe. And the brim is considered a success when it depicts exactly what a designer wants to achieve: a sharp downturn brim, or slightly curved to frame the face, or wavy and light to hide the wearer's face under the sun.

The process of finding the right lining and forms can involve multiple times of experiment.

We aim for silhouettes that are both classic and contemporary.

A harmonious blend of structure and fluidity, Leinné fabric hats are a balance optimized to make you feel good wearing.

Silk layers

We select the finest silk from renowned craft villages in Vietnam, like Bao Loc and Nha Xa, contributing to preserving traditional craftsmanship while embracing modern aesthetics. 

The fabric is chosen for its texture, drape, and ability to hold its shape, ensuring that the finished hat is not merely beautiful but also enduring. Each layer is meticulously smoothed, shaped and sometimes embroidered to ensure a flawless finish. The entire process of forming and shaping a silk hat is a testament to the skill and patience of the hat makers.

Structure & Softness of cotton

Our hat-making has a deep understanding of the interplay between soft, natural cotton and sturdy canvas. The forming process is a delicate ballet of skill and precision. 

Known for mixing different natural materials, our cotton & canvas are constructed with both a steady foundation and artful freedom of shapes and forms.

Subsequently, the lining is meticulously cut and fitted, creating a smooth and elegant finish. Each hat comes with an inner sizing detail for adjustable sizing.

Breathable surface

For its summer bucket hats, Leinné selects linings that are exceptionally lightweight and breathable. 

Beyond functionality, Leinné considers the aesthetic appeal of the lining. The color and texture are carefully chosen to complement the casual yet chic character of the bucket hat. 

A subtle sheen or a delicate pattern can elevate the hat from a simple accessory to a fashion statement.

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