October Rose: How and why Leinné stands against Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women: in 2021, despite the constant progress of medicine, 1 woman in 8 is likely to be affected by breast cancer.
However, if detected early enough, breast cancer is cured in 90% of cases. Mobilizing every year is essential to raise awareness of this cause, but spreading information and encouraging screening remains the most effective way to fight breast cancer.
Screening can save your life. Despite the high number of new cases each year, breast cancer can be effectively treated if discovered early enough. Screening should be done every two years, starting at age 50, to rule out the possibility of a tumor developing without treatment.
But breast cancer does not only affect women over 50. From the age of 25, a gynecological follow-up and a professional palpation are strongly recommended every year.