Leinné e-gift card
Leinné e-gift card
Leinné e-gift card

E-gift card

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Giving the gift of luxury shopping couldn’t be easier. Choose the value of the E-gift card from the menu below. E-gift cards are delivered by email. You can redeem the value of your gift card by entering its unique code at checkout. An E-gift card holds a balance, which can be spent over more than one order.

At check out, if the balance available on the E-gift card is greater than or equal to the order total, then the customer can click Complete order. If the balance available on the E-gift card is less than the order total, then the customer is prompted to choose a second payment method for the balance before placing the order.

E-gift cards are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.

E-gift cards can be redeemed against all products on Leinné.com.

E-gift cards cannot be returned or refunded and are non-transferable. If you return products you have purchased using an E-gift card, the remaining balance will be added to your account as credit and can be redeemed against subsequent orders.

Leinné is not responsible if an E-gift card is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without your permission.

Leinné reserves the right to cancel an E-gift card if we deem such action necessary.

E-gift card balances are applied to the total value of an order, which can include taxes and shipping.

No delivery charges apply on E-gift card(s)-only orders. If a customer purchases an E-gift card alongside other products, standard delivery charges will apply.

This E-gift card can be used to make purchases at Leinné store both online and in store.


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Subtotal $0.00

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